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Visiting Lexie

Since I had a short holiday this week and Lexie's birthday came I decided to pay a visit to her. I took the train early in the morning fighting with myself to stay awake. 8 hours on the train is too much, but the company was nice and I even managed to fall asleep at some point. Also to pass the time I took out my camera and started taking pictures of beautiful romanian landscape[ I love hill/mountain landscapes].
I felt drained when I reached Cluj, but after a bit of rest, 2 of Lexie's friends came by and we all went to the mall. They wanted to see Catalin Botezatu's fashion show, but by the time we arrived, the stage was empty and everything was being packed. Not knowing what to do, we decided to go to the cinema. The film we picked was...
A very good horror/pshychological movie. I haven't seen such a good movie in years, although there are some aspects of it I didn't want to see :)). Natalie Portman is indeed a great actress. Nevertheless, if you haven't seen it yet, you better go to the cinema now.
On monday she had classes and I didn't want her to skip so I infiltrated in her English Theatre class. After the class, like she promised, we went to the Japanese restaurant. Everyone ordered what they wanted. I ordered Katsudon. The food was delicious. Too bad I couldn't eat it all.
Lexie ordered something with prawn, I can't remember the dish's name and...
As desert I ordered sesame icecream. It was soo good, but not for my throat which started to bother me.
After filling our tummies, we did a bit of visiting. Well...at least I did since they live there.

The next 2 days I participated in her Korean Class, went at the mall to eat. I like her teachers. They are nice. Now I know why she likes it there so much.

Unfotunately, what has a beginning must have an end too, so on Thursday morning I took the train to Timisoara where Dee was waiting for me. I'm glad I could spend a few days with Lexie because I know I won't be able to see her until the exams in summer.

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Anonymous said...

daaa :(( mai vreau! T^T

Cassiana said...

Mâncarea arată atât de bine. TT__TT

Andra said...

a fost si foarte buna :) il cunosc pe proprietarul restaurantului :D

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